Probus Internationaal
In 1965 is de eerste Probusclub in Engeland opgericht en in 1971 volgt Ierland met de ‘Bangor Probus Club’, met dank aan de Rotary Club van Bangor. In 1974 komt er ook één in Nieuw-Zeeland, in 1976 in Australië. en in 1978 in Nederland (12.000 leden). De eerste in Noord-Amerika is die van Canada, in 1987 (nu meer dan 30.000 leden). Momenteel vindt men Probusclubs in 24 landen verspreid over alle continenten. De grootste concentratie ligt in Groot Brittannië, Australië (135.000) en Nieuw-Zeeland (45.000). World Probus schat dat er wereldwijd 5000 Probusclubs zijn met gezamenlijk meer dan 425.000 leden.
België (3600 leden,108 clubs)
Duitsland (330 leden, 12 clubs)
Frankrijk (750 leden, 36 clubs)
Ierland (4800 leden, 137 clubs)
Nederland (12.500 leden, 440 clubs)
UK & Noord-Ierland (110.000, 2000 clubs)
Buiten Europa
Noord- Amerika (Bermuda, Canada, Mexico en VS)
Zuid-Amerika (Argentinië en Chili)
Afrika (Zimbabwe en Zuid-Afrika)
Azië (Filippijnen, India, Japan en Maleisië)
Oceanië (Australië en Nieuw-Zeeland)
Via de website van World Probus ( ) vindt u op de eerste pagina onder ‘National Pages and Contacts’ alle websites van de aangesloten landen.
Hieronder enkele voorbeelden:
Probus België
Probus Duitsland
South Pacific Limited
Probus Frankrijk
Probus Zweden
Probus United Kingdom
Probus Information Centre UK
Probus Global Canada
Probus: A summary
Probus is an association of retired and semi-retired people of 55 years or older, who assemble in clubs. They meet at either monthly or bi-weekly basis, at a fixed location and time. The main goal is keeping an active mind, expanding their interests and enjoying the fellowship of new friends. Membership is possible by co-optation.
Probus is an acronym for retired PROfessional and BUSiness. Probus offers men’s clubs, ladies’ clubs and combined clubs. Membership is open to anyone of good character who has had some measure of responsibility or achievement in any field of worthy endeavour. Clubs are neither political or sectarian, nor profit making or fundraising.
Probusclubs are required to adhere to a basic set of rules of operation in order to preserve their integrity and reputation and their ‘Certificate of Approval’ by Probus Nederland. Once established, the club becomes an autonomous organization and its members take over leadership.
Activities normally fall into two parts:
- A formal meeting on a set day. This comprises a club business session, a coffee or tea break, followed by a speaker and/or discussion on a topic of mutual interest.
- Outings to places or organisations of interest to members, such as the theatre, or just social or sporting occasions. These may include overnight trips, tours and walks.
The first ‘Probusclub’ was formed in 1965 by the Rotary Club of Welwyn Garden City, England, to allow retired professionals to continue to meet together for activities and fellowship. In 1974 Probus expanded to New Zealand and by 1976 the idea had spread to Australia. The first Probusclub in North America was sponsored by a Rotary Club in Canada in 1987.
The first Probusclub in the Netherlands was founded in Delft in 1977. There are now over 400 Probusclubs with 12.000 members in the Netherlands.
Probus has filled a need for today’s active retirees and has been a phenomenal growth. Although Probus membership has its greatest concentrations in Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, clubs today exist in all parts of the world, including Europe, India, South Africa and several other countries in Africa and Asia. It is now a world-wide movement in 23 countries. There are approximately 5,000 clubs with a combined membership of 450,000 and growing steadily.
tel.: 0031(0)341352271
Peter Blom